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Camino Miñoto Ribeiro Association | The Way of Saint James
Jacobean Way Miñoto Ribeiro

The Association

Camino Miñoto Ribeiro municipalities association was created in 2014 with the aim of recovering, promoting and getting the recognition of this route as part of the Way of Saint James (Camino).


  • PRESIDENT: Avelino Luis de Francisco Martínez (The mayor of Cortegada).
  • VICE PRESIDENT: Carlos Martínez Carrillo (The mayor of Vedra).
  • SECRETARY: Rodrigo Aparicio Santamaría (The mayor of Arnoia).
  • TREASURER: Noelia Rodríguez Travieso (The mayor of Ribadavia).
    • Ana Patricia Torres Madureira (The mayor of Boborás).
    • María del Carmen Yáñez Salgado (The mayor of Lobios).
    • Manuel Pérez Pereira (The mayor of Padrenda).
    • Ramón Álvarez Bueno (Counselor of Leiro Town Hall).
    • Ramón Alonso López (The mayor of Entrimo).

City councils that belong to the Association

Lobios, Entrimo, Padrenda, Pontedeva, Cortegada, Arnoia, Castrelo de Miño, Ribadavia, Leiro, Carballiño, Boborás, Beariz, Forcarei, A Estrada, Boqueixón and Vedra.
More information (PDF)

STATUS: Main objectives

  • Research and promotion of Camino Miñoto Ribeiro.
  • Analysis and popularisation of the main historical, artistic and cultural resources along the way.
  • Defense of this route as an alternative to other more popular Ways to Santiago de Compostela.
  • Recognition as an official route of the Way of St James.
  • Informing and helping the pilgrims.

HISTORY AND ACHIEVEMENTS: The path to the recovery of Camino Miñoto Ribeiro

First research about Miñoto Ribeiro route, led by the historian Cástor Pérez Casal, the municipality of Padrenda.

The works of planning, promotion and negotiation began, leading to the official recognition as part of Way of Saint James.

The first association focused on research, recovering and providing historical documentation was created, which was managed by Cástor Pérez Casal.

The first main goal was achieved: rigorous and strict documentation, and the historical background of the whole route.

Meeting with the provincial delegate of Xunta de Galicia (the Galician government), with the president of Pontevedra Province and the Pontevedra tourism official to get their involvement in the project.

The first promotional hike 27/11/2010.

The first book about the track was published: "Camiño Xacobeo Miñoto Ribeiro", by Diputación de Ourense province.

The research results was presented during “Xornadas de Historia Chamoso Lamas” in Carballiño - Ourense.

Participation in the seminars of “IX Xornadas históricas de Castro Leboreiro”, organized by NEPML.

Book: The Ways of Santiago Looks and Experiences - A look from Public Health towards the Camino Xacobeo Miñoto Ribeiro.
Maceiras García, Lourdes, Cid Fernández, Xosé Manuel; Braña Rey, Fatima; Fernández Senra, Mariló; Fernández Senra, Xulio (eds). The roads of Santiago: views and experiences. Provincial Council of Ourense; 2012.

Promotion of the route in the Cultural center Marcos Valcárcel, Ourense.

First travelling exhibition around the municipalities, called "Medicina e arte" ("Medicine and Art"), featuring works related to items found along the route.

The association of municipalities was created.

The project was presented to the Dirección General de Patrimonio (General Heritage Board), chaired by José Manuel Rey Pichel.

Facebook webpage: Camino Miñoto Ribeiro was created.

Meetings, talks and negotiations with mayors, to recover parts of the old path.

The historical research group into Camino Miñoto Ribeiro was created. Facebook

Conference about Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro in the municipality of Vedra.

Meetings and negotiations with the mayors of Baixa Limia region to restore parts of the old route.

Installation of the official signs of the Camino began.

The project was presented in Beariz municipality, at a seminar organized by Asociación de Amigos de Terra de Montes.

The III international water congress at the department of History in Ourense (University of Vigo). "Valoración do turismo termo-cultural no Camiño Miñoto" ("The evaluation of the thermal and cultural tourism in Camiño Miñoto").

Official recognition of Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro, during a meeting held by Román Rodríguez González, a local government representative, in Castro Leboreiro (Portugal) with the mayors of the Galician and Portuguese municipalities involved in the project.

The demarcation works of Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro were presented in the department of culture, project led by the archeologist J. Lamas, a member of the research group.

Several publications of Cástor Pérez Casal and José Ramón Estévez about Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro were published in the press, in magazines about Camino de Santiago and at events in congresses.

El Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro appears in the TV program "A Revista" on the local channel Televisión de Galicia.

The sections of the route were published on Wikiloc.

Creation of the webpage: www.caminominotoribeiro.com

Creation of the Camino guide.

Work meeting in the Municipal Chamber of Mélgaço.

The official research group in Portugal is created, made up of historians, archaeologists and technicians.

Municipalities and Chambers unify the signage and strategies for the Jacobean recognition.

Meetings and contacts with mayors of all the Chambers through which the Caminho Minhoto Ribeiro passes in the neighboring country Portugal; Braga, Vilaverde, Ponte da Barca, Arcos de Valdevez, Monçao and Melgaço.

Work meetings with the Caminho Minhoto Ribeiro research group.

Publication of the book the Hospitals and guesthouses of the Miñoto Ribeiro Way by José Ramón Estévez Pérez.

Various publications by Cástor Pérez Casal and José Ramón Estévez on Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro in the press, magazines on Caminos de Santiago.

The research work of the Caminho Minhoto Ribeiro by the historian Castor Pérez Casal is finished.

The protocol of the consortium formed by the presidents of the chambers of Braga, Vila Verde, Arcos de Valdevez, Ponte da Barca, Monçao and Melgaço was signed, which was also attended by the Secretary of State for Tourism of Portugal Rita Marques, the General Director of Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia Nava Castro and the president of the Association of the Camino Miñoto Ribeiro Avelino Luís de Francisco.

Presentation of the research work in Melgaço to the presidents of the Braga, Vila Verde, Arcos de Valdevez, Ponte da Barca and Monçao.

Interview with the historian of the path Castor Pérez "O Condado The Roncesvalles of the Camino Miñoto Ribeiro".

The path receives recognition from the church and is awarded the Compostela - Jacobean Route.

Practical guide: Health and its care on the Miñoto Ribeiro Way.
Maceiras Garcia, Maria Lourdes; Estévez Pérez, José Ramón; Garcia Pomar, Dionisio; Lamas Bértolo, Jorge; Lozano Paz, Moisés; Maceiras Segovia, Mariña; Segovia Ancho, Angel.

Rúa Otero Novas, 1
32200 Cortegada (Ourense) - Galicia


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